If you have been watching the weather, you know that Saturday is predicted to be a wash-out. We have had a very robust response to the party invitation, and I don't think all of us wet neighbors will fit comfortably in Kathy and Tom's house. Therefore, we have made the decision to postpone the get together until Sunday. (We apologize for any inconvenience this presents for weekenders.
Cocktails at Kathy McGraw's and Tom Hughes'
24 North Walk (at the end of East Fairview)
Sunday, May 21, 2023
4-6 pm (this is a time change)
Please bring an appetizer to share, beverages will be provided.
If you had planned to attend and now are unable, please let nanwink@aol.com know. If you plan to attend and have not already done so, write to nanwink@aol.com.
There is a field to the right near Kathy's cottage and her next-door neighbor to the west, Father Dan, is letting us use his large driveway.
I also scoped out parking along the grassy strip on the south side of Sound Shore Road near Fairview.
Sorry for the change and hope to see you all there!
Nancy W