Will the new development on SSR lead to flooding?

Thank you to Kathy for her posting with a link to the Riverhead planning board meeting that pertains to what is
now known as Seacrest Estates, the property on Sound Shore with plans for 14 new homes.
I strongly urge everyone to watch it (I found the discussion starts at the 14:10 point in the meeting).
Aside from the fencing issues they address, what strikes me more is
1)Potential drainage issues with possible serious run off:
A part of the discussion included installation of a new pond and sending drainage to an existing pond.
Currently this is a large expanse of permeable ground. But once buildings and roads are erected, natural drainage areas will be drastically reduced. Will this pond be effective enough to ‘catch’ the drainage? Will overflow from the ponds contribute to run off to neighboring properties? Note, there is significant sloping of this property towards SSR.
Once this project is completed, if flooding occurs, who will be responsible and would there be a remediation plan?
2)the planning is not complete. Therefore if there are issues that concern us as a community we might be able to have some influence. Much easier to have an impact before it’s finalized than only be able to complain after it’s completed.
Here’s the link again to the meeting