More Homes Coming to Pier Ave.
Recently saw a sign on west side of Pier Ave.that says more custom homes are coming. This Thursday May 4th, the Planning Board will be discussing this "minor subdivision" at its 6 pm meeting In Town Hall. If you can't attend you will be able to watch on channel 22 on the Town's website.
"3. 105 Pier Avenue Minor Subdivision – Discussion of a minor subdivision application seeking to subdivide an existing 2.9877-acre parcel of land located at 105 Pier Avenue, on the west side of Pier Avenue in Jamesport, being more particularly described as SCTM No. 600-8-3-1.4, with the subject parcel located within the Residence A-40 (RA40) zoning use district."
Yes. And more concerning perhaps is the coming development on Sound Shore Road, which they have started clearing land for....