As a follow up to my previous email, I spoke with Chief Hegermiller's office as well as Lt. Deveraux today. They told me the following:
Everyone who suffered a break in should report it immediately to the Police Dept. They want to hear about last night's break ins as well. They said they cannot know of a problem unless it is reported. They only had one reported incident and hadn't heard about the seven or eight others until I called.
They will send an officer to your home to take the report.
There will be additional patrols tonight
Lock your car! I was told that most auto break ins involve unlocked cars and cars with f…
From linda. Hi Neighbors-
As a follow up to my previous email, I spoke with Chief Hegermiller's office as well as Lt. Deveraux today. They told me the following:
Everyone who suffered a break in should report it immediately to the Police Dept. They want to hear about last night's break ins as well. They said they cannot know of a problem unless it is reported. They only had one reported incident and hadn't heard about the seven or eight others until I called.
They will send an officer to your home to take the report.
There will be additional patrols tonight
Lock your car! I was told that most auto break ins involve unlocked cars and cars with f…