Kathy's Korner
Seacrest Subdivision
Don't get me started folks. This eyesore has gotten under my skin. Thought you might like to see an email I shot off today to the Planning Board. I will keep you posted if, and when, I hear back.
Chairman Waski and Members of the Planning Board,
I am writing to you concerning possible violations by the developers of Seacrest Estates (formerly known as the Villas at Roanoke) of your resolution #2020-077 that you passed on November 3, 2022. The resolution states in the portion relating to SEQRA that the presence of the Northern Long Eared Bat on or around the property has implications regarding tree clearing on the subject property in order to avoid disruption of the bats' habitat. As a result, before a final plat is approved, the developer must submit affirmative documentation from the NYDEC regarding permitting and limitations related to the bats. The resolution further states in the section on conditions that must be met before a final plat is approved that a Conservation Deed must be filed which preserves the open space around the designated lots and prohibits a number of listed things including "land clearing, grading, or other land disturbances" in that open space. While I understand that a final plat has not yet been approved, I am aware that there has already been massive tree clearing on this property. My concerns are:
Should this clearing have occurred before a final plat has been approved?
Has the developer submitted affirmative documentation from the DEC regarding permitting and limitations related to the long eared bat, because clearly the removal of all the trees has to have affected the habitat of the bats.
Has any of the massive clearing been in the required portion of the plat that is designated as open space? If so, that clearing is in violation of the second condition discussed above.
There is a statement toward the end of the resolution that "No land clearing permits for the construction of any roadway or infrastructure related to the proposed development shall issue prior to the filing of a final map with the Suffolk County Clerk." As there is not yet any final map approved, how could this clearing have been permitted? And if it was permitted, why was it permitted? Can there possibly be a final map that was filed with the Suffolk County Clerk?
The unsightly clearing of this property occurred more than 4 months ago. Was it a permitted clearing? If not what are you going to do about it to ensure your resolutions are being followed and not ignored by developers--a disturbing trend we are seeing in this Town.
I know these developers are already seeking relief from other conditions in the resolution that you just passed last November such as the "5-foot high black vinyl coated chain link between the building lots and the open space buffer area." At the last PB meeting this was discussed and you all appeared to be amenable to a split rail fence. If that is the case, why on earth didn't you say that in your resolution? Your actions are undermining the significance and weight of the words of the resolutions you pass.
In closing, please advise if this clearing was done lawfully, and if not, what the consequences will be. What will you do about it?
Thank you.
Go Kathy!
Thanks for looking out for us, Kathy!