Each year the NBCA offers two scholarships to members and/or relatives of members engaged in academic (undergraduate, graduate, post graduate) or non academic (trade school) pursuits. The scholarships are the Noel Gale Memorial Scholarships, named after a long time and dedicated member of the NBCA, Noel Gale. First place winners receive a $1,000 scholarship and second place winners receive a $500 scholarship. The money is unencumbered and can be used for any expense the student may incur. Mindful of the cost of application fees, high school juniors are also encouraged to apply. Deadline for the application this year is JUly 30th. Members must be current in their dues for a student to be eligible to apply. The most important part of the application is a 400-600 word essay about our hamlet of Northville. Each year the Committee looks for two essays that capture the essence of what Northville truly is. The essence must transcend the words and yield a clear meaningful picture of this special place to the readers. The essays are shared with the full membership at our annual cocktail party which this year will be held on August 10th. The essays will also be published on our website. Please encourage the students in your life who know and love Northville to submit an application. If a student has applied before and whose essay has not been chosen, they may apply again. Completed applications can be submitted to Committee Chair, Sandy Gruner either by mail, 688 Sound Shore Road ,Riverhead or email, An application is available on the website.