Kathy's Korner Update on Seacrest
I have had an extensive email exchange with the Planning Department about the tree cutting permit for this subdivision. The issue has been the distinction between tree cutting, land clearing, and land disturbance. It is a rather technical question that I won't bore you with but, while I am not fully persuaded by the Town's responses, I do not believe dwelling on this issue will do anything to benefit us. We just need to be vigilant at every step of this process.
I was also assured that there was no disturbance of trees in the open space around the lots. If anyone has reason to believe otherwise, by all means let me know. Finally, I had questions about whether the requisite Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) had been approved. It has been and I was provided a copy. It is 195 pages long. If anyone wants a copy, just email me at judgekk@aol.com.