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Kathy's Korner--Resorts


First, it's important to note that one of the six parcels identified for possible resorts north of Sound Avenue is just east of Penny's Road--right smack in our community. I'd say that makes this an issue worthy of our attention.

A couple of important meetings are coming up. First, on September 4th at 2 pm at Town Hall the Board will take up a resolution to adopt the new comp plan. It is the roadmap for the future of the Town for the next 10 years or so, and it covers many, many subjects and recommendations regarding development and preservation. It includes a recommendation for Agritourism Resorts. Needless to say, it would be helpful to go to the meeting and ask that this be stricken from the comp plan.

Please note, it is possible the time and date for this meeting may change so I will update the blog if that happens.

The second meeting is an open summit to discuss the proposed zoning code change that allows these resorts to be built in residential zones north of Sound Avenue. This is the really critical meeting. It will be at Town Hall on September 18th at 6 pm. I will provide more information in a subsequent post.

On the issue of removing these resorts from the comp plan, below is text you are more than welcome to use for an email. It should be sent before this Friday the 20th in order to be included in the agenda for the meeting on Sept 4th. Send your email to:

Here is the text:

Supervisor and Town Board Members,

The comp plan is supposed to be the vision of the community for the future of Riverhead. It is not supposed to be your personal vision or that of developers coming here to make a buck.

From the outpouring of public sentiment, it's clear neither the residents nor the farmers, who are also residents and an integral part of this community, want resort hotels along Sound Avenue. No one from the public EVER voiced support or even suggested Agritourism Resorts as something this Town wants to see in its comp plan.

Please do the right thing and listen to those you work for: put an end to all this and remove all mention of Agritourism Resorts from the comp plan before you vote to approve it.


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