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Kathy's Korner--Resorts


For those following the issue of Agritourism resorts, here is a notice that was sent to all members of the Jamesport Civic Association. Their leadership has taken the lead in mobilizing the residents of this Town to oppose the proposed zoning code to allow the resorts. There are suggestions of ways to help in this notice. If you signed the petition from our Civic, thank you. In addition, feel free to sign the on-line petition referenced below.

Jamesport Civic Notice

Good morning members,

Today's Newsday features a cover article about the proposed agritourism resort zoning, which we have attached to this email. This article contains some misinformation, for example, there could be up to 15 -- not only seven -- potential sites for hotels under the proposed zoning. However, the article brought the matter to the attention of those who live outside of the North Fork. This is not just a RIverhead issue -- all Long Islander's should be concerned about the risk of losing our only remaining farmland and rural area. Please help us to leverage this article by doing the following:

Write a letter to the editor of Newsday with your view.

Get your friends from "up-island" to do the same.

Ask your "up-island" friends to write to the Riverhead Town Board. While they may not pay taxes here or vote for our Riverhead officials, sharing their views on why they love our area and do not want hotels on Sound Avenue helps to keep the issue alive. They can access the contact information on our website:

Ask them to sign the petition:

Keep sharing the Greater Jamesport Civic Association Facebook posts on your social media pages and in your Long Island groups.

We also want to inform you that this week the Town Board has two meetings scheduled. The Tuesday, August 20 regular Town Board meeting at 6 p.m. still presents an opportunity for you to speak out on this issue during the open comments portion at the end of the meeting.

PLUS, there will be a special meeting of the Town Board on Wed., Aug. 21 at 6 p.m. to vote on a resolution to approve the Comprehensive Plan Update (CPU). Unfortunately, the final version of the CPU still includes recommendations for agritourism resort zoning, short-term rentals, spot rezoning in Aquebogue and Riverhead, and other issues our Civic Association has opposed. You may attend the Town Board meeting and speak out on the CPU before the resolution is voted on. We cannot promise it will influence the council members' votes.

Finally, the developer for the resort currently proposed for Sound Ave. has had people soliciting signatures on a petition that we consider to be misleading. Below is an image of the top of the petition. If someone approaches you to sign it, please decline. Thank you.

Developer Petition.png

Thank you for making the time to read this update, share it with your neighbors and for helping us to Save Sound Avenue.

Kind regards,

Joan Cear, Recording Secretary

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