Kathy’s Korner -Important! Seacrest Estates Final Plat
This Thursday October 5th at 6:00 pm there is a Planning Board Meeting at the old Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, and there will be a discussion of the final plat for this 14-lot subdivison on Sound Shore Rd. The Planning Board will then vote on a Resolution to approve the plat. This is our opportunity to learn about the plat and to make comments before the vote on the resolution.
This is the resolution:
Resolution No. 2023-086 – Sea Crest Estates (formerly Villas at Roanoke) – Resolution granting approval for a final plat for a 14-lot major subdivision seeking to subdivide an existing vacant 11.1334- acre parcel of wooded land to create fourteen (14) new building lots, ranging in size from 14,172 sq. ft. through 21,951 sq. ft., as well as a 3.32 acre open space preservation area, new roadway terminating in a cul-de-sac, and a stormwater management recharge area. The subject parcel, particularly identified as SCTM No. 600-8-2-4, is a 11.1334-acre parcel located on the south side of Sound Shore Road, Jamesport, NY, and is located within the Residence A-40 (RA40) and Residence A-80 (RA80) zoning use districts.
To prepare, it might be helpful to go back and review all the prior posts on this matter Including the video of the last Planning Board meeting on July at 14:13.