Kathy's Korner
Mattituck Inlet Boat Storage Project
There is a previous post on this and if you want to have your voice heard the public hearing is on Monday May 15th. Here are the details.
"We know there is a great deal of interest across the North Fork regarding the potential adverse impacts of the proposed yacht storage facility at Mattituck Inlet. The public hearing is tomorrow, Monday, May 15th, at 6:01 p.m., Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd, Southold.
You may read the DEIS at http://www.southoldtownny.gov/270/Environmental-Impact-Statementsand learn more about the project and how to respond at the public hearing at www.savemattituckinlet.com.
If you cannot attend, please Zoom in using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81430495369?pwd=WEtxLzc0Y0QzTmtGU3NZQm4wQjFhdz09.